Time has a habit of slipping away from you ... and in the worlds of publishing even moreso. Since the last time I penned words for this blog a lot has happened. My IT Job has reached another breakpoint and I left my contract at the end of July, so after a quick holiday in the sun, for the moment I'm catching up on all sorts of other things.
The new series of
Doctor Who has started up again, and I'm very aware that I just couldn't make the time to talk about all the episodes in the first half of the season ... and so far I've not had time to comment on the one just past - the one about killing Hitler, though in fact it was about nothing of the sort. However we have plans for a new edition of
The Television Companion for the 50th anniversary in 2013, and so I suspect that my comments on the Matt Smith episodes will find their way into that book ...
But enough of what has not been happening ... time for some news of what has!

Taking advantage in the break in IT work, and I am absolutely delighted that Telos has picked up a collection of my horror fiction. Called
talespinning, the book should be published very soon now, and pre-ordering is available on the Telos site. The cover is by the amazing Bryan Talbot, and the book contains all my horror fiction, completed over the last thirty years or so, plus the scripts for the film
Daemos Rising and an unfilmed sequel called
Face of the Fendahl, extracts from two incomplete longer works ... it's a great selection of the macabre and the humourous and I hope people will enjoy it!
Copies can be ordered direct from Telos:
http://www.telos.me.uk/category.php?id=3#120; and every copy pre-ordered will be dedicated and signed by myself.

Another book out at the end of September of which I am very proud is a fantasy/horror anthology called
Full Fathom Forty. This is being published by the British Fantasy Society, and is a stonking 500 page tome of 40 of the very best stories by members and friends of the BFS. I have edited it for the BFS' own fortieth anniversary this year, and it's one of the strongest anthologies of fantastic fiction I have ever been pleased to read.
For forty years the British Fantasy Society has been promoting and appreciating fantastic fiction in all its guises. Now, to celebrate the many worlds of wonder and terror, the BFS presents an anthology of works by members and friends of the Society past and present. Here you will find angels and vampires, werewolves and killers, magicians and gentlemen, alien worlds and urban nightmares. Let the British Fantasy Society be your guide through a selection of the best fiction to be found on this world ... or beyond!
Featuring the fantastic fiction and poetry of:
Nina Allan, Suzanne Barbieri, Carl Barker, Mike Barrett, Ramsey Campbell, Jonathan Carroll, Adrian Chamberlin, Simon Clark, Raven Dane, Jan Edwards, Murray Ewing, Paul Finch, Christopher Fowler, Matthew Fryer, Stephen Gallagher, Cate Gardner, R B Harkess, Ian Hunter, Wilf Kelleher Jones, Jasper Kent, Joel Lane, Stephen Laws, Mark Lewis, Alison J Littlewood, Steve Lockley, Graham Masterton, Peter Mark May, Geoff Nelder, Kim Newman, Stan Nicholls, Martin Owton, Cas Peace, John Llewellyn Probert, Tina Rath, Steven Savile, Robert Shearman, Jim Steel, Sam Stone, Deborah Walker and Conrad Williams.
If you are not a member of the BFS, then copies are available for sale. Unfortunately the BFS Website is unavailable at the moment which makes providing a link there somewhat challenging, but copies can be ordered using this PayPal link:
I'm also out and about quite a bit coming up. Here's a list of the events which I am appearing and guesting at. Hopefully some of you might be able to pop along and say hello!
THE ASYLUM, Lincoln, 9th-11th September 2011
The Asylum Steampunk weekend is an opportunity to do all things Steampunk. Sam Stone, David J Howe, Frazer Hines, Raven Dane, Robert Rankin and Toby Frost are among the guests for this fun weekend event.
I will be taking part in panels, signings and readings.
Date: 9th-11th Sept
Address: Lincoln Castle, The Lawns, The Victoria, Lincoln.
For more information visit: http://steampunk.synthasite.com
WATERSTONES, Llandudno 17th September 2011
I will be launching talespinning, at this very popular North Wales Store.
Time: 12pm-4pm
Address: 37 Victoria Centre, Mostyn Centre, Llandudno, Conwy, LL30 2NG
WATERSTONES, Warrington, 24th September 2011
Science Fiction and Fantasy Day. Join Sam Stone, David J Howe and Frazer Hines (and many more) for readings, discussions and talks based around Sci-Fi/Fantasy in the Media and in print. More info on this later.
I'll also have copies of talespinning for sale.
Time: 12-4pm
Address: Waterstone's Warrington, 22 The Mall, Golden Square Shopping Centre, Warrington, WA1 1QP.
THE CRYPT, Manchester Vampire Society Meet, Manchester, 25th September 2011
Sam Stone and David J Howe will be reading from their latest works. With Q & A session. Books will be on sale.
Address: The Seven Oaks, 5 Nicholas Street, Manchester, M1 4HL
Time: 4-8pm
FANTASYCON, Brighton, 30th Sept - 2nd Oct 2011
I'll be launching talespinning on Saturday 31st September at FantasyCon in Brighton.
Telos also has a strong showing in the British Fantasy Awards which are to be announced at the convention on the Sunday.
Address: The Royal Albion Hotel, 35 Old Steine, Brighton, BN1 1NT.
Further Information: http://www.fantasycon2011.org/hotel.htm
WATERSTONES, Trafford Centre, 8th October 2011
I'll be signing copies of talespinning at this popular Manchester store.
Time: 12-4pm
Address: Waterstones Trafford Centre, 42 Regent Crescent, Barton Dock Road, Manchester, M17 8AP
WATERSTONES, Preston, 15 October 2011
I'll be signing copies of talespinning.
Time: 12-4pm
Address: Waterstone's Preston, 3-5 Fishergate
Preston PR1 3LJ
WATERSTONES, Bolton, Lancashire, 29th Oct 2011
I'll be signing copies of talespinning.
Time: 12-4pm
Address:Waterstones, 32-36 Deansgate, Bolton, BL1 1BL
WATERSTONES, Wrexham, 30th Oct 2011
I'll be signing copies of talespinning.
Time: 12-4pm
Address: Waterstones, 9/11 Regent Street, Wrexham, LL11 1SG.
WATERSTONES, Liverpool One, Liverpool, 26th Nov 2011
I'll be signing copies of talespinning.
Time: 12-4pm
Address:Waterstones, 12 College Lane, Liverpool, L1 3DL.
GALLIFREY 2012, LAX Marriott, Los Angeles, USA, 17th-19th Feb 2012
Sam Stone, David J Howe and Frazer Hines will be appearing as guests at Gallifrey.
Time: ALL Weekend. Panels, Interviews, Creative Writing Workshop.
Address: LAX MARRIOT. Los Angeles, California.
GALAXYFEST 2012, Colorado Springs, USA, 24th-26th Feb 2012
I'm overjoyed to be International Writing Guest of Honour at this convention. Other guests are Sam Stone and Kevin J Anderson, with Robert Picardo, Angus Oblong, Christie Golden, Frazer Hines, Robert Elrod, Clare Cramer, Claudia Christian, Dean Haglund, Denise Crosby and Tori Higginson.
Time: ALL Weekend. Panels, Interviews, Creative Writing Workshop.
Address: Antlers Hilton, 4 South Cascade, Colorado Springs, CO 80903-1695, USA.
That's all for the moment. Hopefully it won't be too long before I can share some more news and views with you all.
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