I wrote a few posts back that one of my short horror stories had been accepted for publication in a magazine called
Murky Depths ... well the cover for the issue (number 6) has just been released, and it's a doozy :)
The magazine is fairly new ... been running for just over a year now, but the editor, Terry Martin, is very proficient at seeking out the best content. It's a mixture of graphic novel stories and prose fiction, all designed to the highest calibre and illustrated by artwork from some impressively talented artists. Basically it's a horror fiction magazine with an agenda to present disturbing fiction of all sorts, along with some top-notch artwork.
I hope folks reading this might be moved to give an issue a try (maybe the one with my story in *grin*) and so please head over to
www.murkydepths.com to find out how to get hold of a copy.
As I know myself all too well, small presses in the UK need support to survive, and when someone is putting a lot of time and exceptional talent into a project, then news of that needs to be spread so that more people can discover it, and hopefully ensure longevity in a difficult marketplace.