I wrote a few posts back that one of my short horror stories had been accepted for publication in a magazine called
Murky Depths ... well the cover for the issue (number 6) has just been released, and it's a doozy :)
The magazine is fairly new ... been running for just over a year now, but the editor, Terry Martin, is very proficient at seeking out the best content. It's a mixture of graphic novel stories and prose fiction, all designed to the highest calibre and illustrated by artwork from some impressively talented artists. Basically it's a horror fiction magazine with an agenda to present disturbing fiction of all sorts, along with some top-notch artwork.
I hope folks reading this might be moved to give an issue a try (maybe the one with my story in *grin*) and so please head over to
www.murkydepths.com to find out how to get hold of a copy.
As I know myself all too well, small presses in the UK need support to survive, and when someone is putting a lot of time and exceptional talent into a project, then news of that needs to be spread so that more people can discover it, and hopefully ensure longevity in a difficult marketplace.
Sob! An emotional David Tennant has anounced on ITV ..... of all places ...... that he's leaving Who by the start of the 2010 season.
(Much wailing and gnashing of teeth has ensued.)
I'd like to give David my thanks for all the pleasure he has given me and my family for the last 3 seasons, and I'm sure I'll continue to enjoy his performances throughout the 4 specials as well.
I suppose it shouldn't be a shock: Catherine Tate big gob leaked the idea months ago; Steven Moffat's two-parter was filled with allusions to the fact that the good Doctor can and will change and the concluding 2 parter's semi-regeneration scene.
(I bought "The Writer's Tale" for my wife and it is clear from a cursory scan of the book that the Xmas spesh will yet again hint at a change of incarnation.)
Potentials 11th Doctors?
a) David Morrisey - in Xmas
special as ..er....
b) Mark Gatis - an avid fan and
a sorely underrated actor.
c) Richard Armitage - another
underrated actor.
d) James Nesbitt - edgy, but the
right choice?
e) Robert Carlyle- see above.
f) why not a non-white doctor ...
Please Avoid:
A) Russell Brand: don't let him
near a phone box.
B) Ricky Gervaise.
C) Peter Kay.
D) Ross Kemp.
E) A woman ....sorry sisters.
But it it always is a shock when the sonic screwdriver is passed on.
(I am resonsible for previous comments beginning with "I agree with you David" plus the sad announcement of DT's departure on this post.)
Firstly, happy 45th anniversary to the good Doctor!
Secondly, .... em, ..... er, ... how long are we going to wait before the new Doctor is announced? In "The Writer's Tale" RTD mentions out of the blue that he has an idea for DT's last line of dialogue before regenerating and that was written months ago. Just after announcing he was leaving the show DT sat through a typically dull and superficial Breakfast News interview and stated he doesn't believe a decision hadn't been made about his replacement by that stage.
April 2010 isn't that far away in TV terms.
Don't get me wrong, I love tension and gossip but, frankly, I'm already a little sick of D-list actors "casually" saying during interviews they would love to play the 11th Doctor despite never previously stating they loved the show. (Before pre-2005 you struggled to get any actor admit liking the show- save Gatiss or Tennant.)
My concern is this:- the Fifth and Seventh Doctors had their characters painfully and hastly underwritten and I think this contributed to the show's decline as far too often their early shows showed Davidson and McCoy groping around for their characters. Okay, stories like Time Flight or Battlefield didn't help either.
Tennant has big shoes to fill and Steven Moffat has to deliver a memorable first season.
Please can the Moff please name Mark Gatiss as the next Doctor so I can relax and he can get season V some early publicity? Remember the Xmas 2009 episode will probably get a whopping set of viewing figures and some bloke from Casualty/Holby/Life on Mars/Eastenders/Sea Devils Do The Funniest Things will need to fight to retain viewers as ladies,and if you believe surveys, 5% of the male population will be wearing black armbands as dishy David morphs into A.N.Other.
Mark is a great actor and a devotee of the show who would give the level of commiment required for a show that is now arguably THE highest profile drama show on telly.
Doctors to avoid:-
1). John Sergeant :- why do the public love him so much?
2). Russell Tovey:- a good young actor but Steven has .. er.. different priorities and ..er.. interests from RTD.
3). Barrack Obama:- the President elect is too busy walking on water according to "The Guardian".
4). Simon Amstell:- the Doctor you would want to die at the end of each and every cliff-hanger.
(Can other fans of David's blog please contribute to this discussion on this post? I would be delighted to read your best/worst choices. C'mon David who would YOU like?)
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