Saturday, October 05, 2024


Andrew Skilleter is one of the legends of Doctor Who cover art.  For many years in the eighties he provided the iconic illustrations for the covers of the novelisations, and expanded his remit into all manner of other Doctor Who themed items: from posters and prints and postcards to bookmarks and special books celebrating his own work and that of other artists.

His 'Who Dares' company rose from the ashes a few years back, and Andrew has been working on releasing an annual calendar featuring his work, and also three books which together showcase much of his Doctor Who work.

Volume three of Illuminart has just been published, and this completes the set. Within this volume is art covering the Target Covers from 1984-5, which takes in some of my personal favourite pieces of his (and for which I own the original art) like 'The Caves of Androzani', 'Invasion' and 'Planet of Fire'. From there we move to the BBC VHS covers from 1993-1995, which section also includes items like the Dalek tin, the spines for the Key To Time VHS releases, and the cover for the W H Allen book The Key to Time

Next up are the Virgin New Adventures novel covers, along with other art from calendars and posters, before heading to 'The Race Point Years' and the art Andrew supplied for the books The Who's Who of Doctor Who and the Unofficial Big Book of Lists.

Then there's several private commissions (the book is peppered with these throughout) and the art for Telos Publishing's special edition of the novella Eye of the Tyger before we head to The Tripods, a lovely Amelia Ducat piece of art which was commissioned by Matt West of Miwk Publishing but ultimately unused on a book. There's the cover for a Knitting Pattern Book, more calendar art, a poster for the BBC, private commissions for Blake's 7, work for Star Wars and Thunderbirds ... the book is simply a panoply of fantastic art!

Along the way Andrew also reproduces early sketches of much of the art, showing how it developed from ideas to final work, and also provides a commentary against each piece giving origins, thoughts and memories of how it came to be commissioned and some of the challenges in producing it.

As a collection of a life's work (so far), the Illuminart trilogy covers practically all of Andrew's Doctor Who work, while also sidestepping into the other pieces he has created over the years. In the introduction he mentions that 2025 will see him  planning to release work looking at non-Who output and private commissions.

There's also a bibliography of books at the back which have been collections or which have extensively featured Andrew's art. Just in case you wanted to track down some which are missing from your own collections!

The trilogy of books is a fascinating work, and well worth looking into for any respecting Doctor Who fan with an interest in the artwork of Andrew Skilleter, and the many and varied ways in which it has been commissioned and used over the years.

There's a standard hardback edition of the books still available (though the first is sadly now sold out):



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