
Tuesday, June 01, 2010


It's not often that a vampire film comes along which makes me sit up and be impressed ... well Daybreakers is such a film. I'd bought it on a whim, really, despite seeing some so-so reviews around, but it's actually a really neat little thriller which turns the whole vampire/human thing around on its head and has some interesting things to say along the way. It's 2019, and vampirism has taken over the world to the extent that there are now very few humans left alive, and those that remain are living as hunted men. The vampires have taken over all facets of worldly life, building their own cars and houses with daylight warning sensors, blackout windows (they drive by seeing outside the car via TV screens) and the like. There are human 'blood banks' in which living humans are plugged in, Matrix-like, to provide a blood supply for the vampires, which they take with their coffee from Starbucks-like stalls at the railway stations and on the streets. But the blood is running out, and the vampires are getting desperate. They need to develop an artificial version fast or they will rapidly age and turn into crazed monsters without human sustenance. One of the doctors investigating this helps a group of humans, and is sympathetic to them. He discovers that one of their number used to be a vampire but is now human again ... there is a 'cure' for the vampire condition which offers another way out of the dilemma ... but the vampires in charge rather like being vampires. The film plays out a little like The Matrix (but nothing like 28 Days Later which the blurb would have you believe), with plenty of action adventure along the way, and some really neat vampire effects. The aged and blood crazed creatures that the vamps turn into are very well realised, and the accompanying documentary (which is excellent in itself) explains that vampires look like humans because they drink human blood ... so what would they look like if they drank vampire blood? The acting is really top notch with Sam Neill playing the vampire leader with suave coolness, and Willem Dafoe turning in a brilliant performance as the vampire-turned-human, with Ethan Hawke as the doctor looking for a solution. They really hold the film together and force you to take it all seriously, presenting some scary and terrifying moments in amongst the excitement, like when a group of starved, monstrough vampires are dragged into the light in chains, only to immediately burst into flame and distintegrate into ash as they go. I won't give away the ending and eventual solution to the problem here as it's pretty cool in its own right, and is worth watching the film for. I had a great time watching it, and appreciated all the details which made it original and compelling. It's certainly a film I'll want to watch again.

1 comment:

  1. I also just discovered this film on DVD, after somehow completely missing awareness of it during it's theatrical run, and I thoroughly enjoyed, for much of the same reasons you listed, despite a few minor logistical quibbles that I had. But I mostly loved the whole concept of this Vampire World, and really would love to see that explored further. It's like True Blood (which, for some reason, I have been unable to really get into) taken to the extreme.

    I'd love to see just an average story set in that society, and how it functions. How do the various governments get along now? We see a "military" in the movie, are there still wars, and how are they fought? Do they have specially-made planes to fly during the day, like they have cars and tanks? There were also two points in the beginning which I would like to explore, the "girl" who committed suicide, because she couldn't handle being stuck in that child-body forever, and then also those young-looking prostitutes, dressed in schoolgirl/cheerleader outfits, that Ethan Hawke's character got a glimpse of. How does that society view that sort of behavior. Would someone who has sex with a grown woman who has the body of a young girl still be considered a "pedophile"?

    A film, TV show, or book, that featured how this society came to be would be really interesting to me.
