
Sunday, May 13, 2007


Regular readers of my blog will recall that back at the start of March I posted my woes on not being able to find a job. Well I'm pleased to report that the situation has finally changed and I start my first contract with the Royal Bank of Scotland this coming Wednesday. Obviously I'm over the moon about this, and can't wait to get back into the thick of things. Thanks to everyone who offered words of sympathy, advice and help.


  1. Anonymous12:02 pm

    Congratulations! You must be very relieved. At least your period of unemployment was brief, and it's quite an achievement to have been in almost full-time employment for so many years.

    I notice that at several places you mention your family. If it is not an intrusion, could you tell us more about them. Are you married and do you have children? What do your wife and children think about your interest in Doctor Who? Are they puzzled, or similarly enthusiastic?

  2. Anonymous8:29 pm



  3. Well done and good luck regarding the new contract!

  4. What can I say, but "Fantastic!"

    Congrats on the new job!
