
Sunday, October 21, 2007


A quick update on some forthcoming happenings ... First of all, next Saturday (27th October), I'm heading down to Portsmouth to see the very wonderful stage production of The Daleks' Master Plan. I was at their presentations of Fury from the Deep, The Web of Fear and Evil of the Daleks and I know it will be a wonderful show. Before the presentation, I'm MCing a mini-con for them, and interviewing folks like Terry Molloy, Nick Briggs and Rob Shearman ... should be fun. I think tickets are all sold out, but you might be lucky on one of the shows if they have any returns. Then, Saturday after that (3rd November), I'm holding a launch for The Target Book, a new illustrated tome by mygoodself about the amazing Target Book range. Everyone's welcome to come along to meet myself and co-author Tim Neal, along with top Target scribe Terrance Dicks, plus as many Target cover artists, editors and writers as we can cram into the venue including Andrew Skilleter, Nigel Robinson, Tony Clark, Colin Howard, Jeff Cummins and hopefully many more. The venue is Mr Pickwick's, 70 Leman Street, London E1 8EU. Nearest Tube stations are Tower Hill and Aldgate East. The event starts at 3pm on Saturday 3rd November. Then I'm signing copies of the book, alongside fourth Doctor Tom Baker, and actress Nichola McAuliffe ('Vivien Rook' in the Doctor Who episode 'The Sound of Drums') on Monday 5th November at The Stamp Centre, 79 Strand, London WC2R 0DE. The signing event starts at around 10:00am. Finally, end of November and I'm heading out to Chicago for the annual Chicago TARDIS convention. Never been to that before so I'm looking forward to seeing some of the city, and meeting as many people as I can at the event.