
Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Video Clips

Found these today and thought I'd share. First one: very funny: Second one: very impressive: Enjoy ...

Monday, March 13, 2006

FantasyCon 2006

I've been going to the annual FantasyCon event every year for the last numpty numb years and usually handle the raffle and the quiz nite for the event. I was therefore delighted to be invited to be official Master of Ceremonies for this year's event :) Even more exciting is that the guest list is as follows: NEIL GAIMAN, CLIVE BARKER, RAYMOND FEIST, RAMSEY CAMPBELL and JULIET E MCKENNA ... what a line up! Apparently tickets are going fast (now there's a surprise) so if you fancy coming along to the event and rubbing shoulders in the bar with the abovementioned writers as well as with just about every other fantasy and horror writer and editor in the UK then check out for booking details.